let's talk

Thinking about Basalte for your home? We're here to help, also by phone at +1 646 461 2190!

Product interest
+1 646 461 2190

Basalte Inc

6440 Wasatch Boulevard 8412 Salt Lake City, Utah United States of America
Interested to have Basalte in your home? Contact us for a private visit to one of our concept spaces, together with your architect and/or installer.

Basalte around the world

Experience Basalte for yourself through a private meeting in one of our showcase locations around the world. Contact us for more information.

Ghent Belgium Hundelgemsesteenweg 1a, 9820 Merelbeke
Salt Lake City United States 6440 Wasatch Boulevard, Salt Lake City, Utah 8412
Mallorca Spain Carrer de l'Omeladès, 2-1°, Centre, 07012 Palma, Illes Balears, Spain

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